Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homeschooling: It Begins...

We started homeschooling this week! Maria had been so excited/ not sure what to think of the whole thing. I am so so so so blessed that I am able to start with such an easy kid in the school department. This girl loves learning, so much so that when we received her new school books in the mail, she rushed inside, grabbed her pencil and started working away! I haven't been fully committed to the idea of homeschooling but I have to say there are a few things I am already loving. First, that I don't have to ship her off with strangers all day and know nothing about what she's doing. It may be selfish, but I love having her all to myself for a little while longer. Also, I love love LOVE watching her learn! And I am so excited about how much more she will learn this year!

1 comment:

  1. Jealous! :) I really wanted to keep Norah home until she was 6 or 7, but Francis feels strongly about sending her to school. So we're testing it out - and if it doesn't work out, she'll be officially enrolled in Mama School before Halloween. :) Enjoy your time with Maria!
