I was commenting to Maria yesterday about how big my belly is getting, and she looks at me says, "But just your belly is getting big, Mommy, you're not getting fat!" I don't know where that came from, but was that ever amazing to hear, even if its from my four year old...kids are very honest, right?!
Felicity was looking at a Christmas book and pointing to a reindeer says, "Look Mommy, its a rein-donkey!"
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
27 weeks..almost.
Here's me at almost 27 weeks pregnant (2 days short)! Please ignore the blotch and the lovely angle that makes me look bigger than the Christmas tree. It was taken by my four year old. And its a small tree. I haven't taken any pictures of my belly this time around, and I always wish I had more, since I like to compare with my previous pregnancies, to make sure I'm not gaining too much..haha. Here's a couple of facts about this pregnancy - sorry if they bore you to death.
I'm not wearing many maternity clothes yet, mostly because I hate them all..haha.
Still feeling pretty good, although sleep is getting a little worse.
Apparently when I'm pregnant, and only then, when I sleep I make this annoying-to-Shane popping noise, or so he describes it. It drives him crazy, so he is constantly waking me up. That might have something to do with my sleep getting worse. Pregnancy does weird things to people though!
I've gained too much weight.
I'm still running when I can, which is not nearly as often as I'd like. Hence the weight gain..haha.
Aannnndddddddd I think that's it.
Aannnndddddddd I think that's it.
Friday, December 9, 2011
As I Kneel Before You
These little voices singing make my heart melt. My favourite time of the day is before bedtime when we cuddle on the couch, read stories, say prayers, and sing! Motherhood is wonderful!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Everyday, when Felicity wakes up from her nap, Maria asks her, "Felicity, can you talk to me?" When little sister hasn't slept well, she doesn't answer, and won't talk to Maria for at least 15-20 minutes. Today Felicity woke up happy, and so I just overheard Maria say to her, "Felicity, thank you for not waking up grumpy and for talking to me! Thank you for playing with me so nicely!" Apparently Maria missed her sister during her quiet time:)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Nice Little Break
At the Rehearsal Dinner |
at our hotel and then enjoyed two full days of wedding fun, including visiting with lots of friends from Cayman, an amazing rehearsal dinner at a Studebaker car museum, and an even more amazing wedding! The only thing that could have made it a little bit more fun was if I could have taken advantage of the open bar.....
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We enjoyed a tour of the Notre Dame campus as well as an exclusive tour of the locker room and football field, which apparently not many people get to see... |
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Bern and I at the reception. Can you tell how amazing everything is? They even had a spectacular firework display! |
We left from Chicago on Sunday, and were supposed to arrive home that night at 11:30. We missed our connection in Toronto, however, and since there were no more flights to Fredericton until the next day at 2, we stayed the night at the Crowne Plaza. This ended up being not too bad, because we got to see my little sister, Celie and her boyfriend Dan, who live in Toronto. SOOO nice! Then on Monday we slept in, had a leisurely breakfast, went for a swim, tried to keep Shane's mind off of all the classes he was missing, then headed to the airport. Our flight was delayed about half an hour, and I began to worry about not making it back in time to take Maria to swimming lessons. This was a big deal, because I had told her that we would DEFINITELY be back for swimming lessons, and I knew how excited she was. We were in the air about half and hour, when there was announcement that one of the flight attendants was sick, and so we had to return to Toronto, and switch the flight crew. I still don't know quite what was wrong with him, but I guess he must have been pretty darn sick to inconvenience an entire plane of people, not to mention all the extra flight time and fuel, and everything else that goes into getting the aircraft ready to fly, since when we returned to Toronto, we had to deplane and they had to redo everything. Its only a two hour flight, and so we were already a quarter of the way there! ANYWAY....this delayed us three more hours, and so we of course missed the swimming lessons:( Maria was devastated, but when we FINALLY arrived home, she told me that now she was happy, since we were home:) She was adorable, and she stayed up late with me, telling me about everything she did, and wanting to hear about everything we did. Finally she said she was too tired to talk anymore, so I let her go to sleep..haha.
All in all, it was a good time, and an amazing break from every day life. It was nice to spend time with Shane, since he's already back to 12 hour days, to spend time with Bern and Joey before they move far away, and to have an impromptu visit with Cel and Dan! But it is also nice to be home, with my girls, where I belong:)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Kids in Costumes
Every year I have the worst time trying to figure out what the kids will be /wear for Halloween. So this year I was determined to make at least one costume and get it done ahead of time. Did I? Nope. I got too busy, and so ended up making this dress for Maria only four days before.
My little princesses |
Today is All Saints' Day! So we attended a little party at the school my mom teaches at. Each child was supposed to give some clues about the saint they were dressed up as, so everyone could guess. I didn't think there was any chance in the world of Maria doing this in front of the whole school, but she surprised me, and stated her clue loud and clear! A HUGE step for my little shy girl.
The girls with some of their saintly friends |
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Thanksgiving Weekend
We had a great weekend! We stayed over at my parent's house and visited with my two amazing sisters and their families. We went to the market, played outside (because it was amazing weather!), went apple picking, carved pumpkins, and had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
Poor Felicity was not her usual smiling self because she got stung by a bee:( |
Yes, they are in shorts. In October. It felt like summer! |
Its always sad to see everyone go, but I am very busy with hat orders now! Speaking of which...I must bid you good night:)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Two Years Old
There's something I love about two year olds. Yes, the newborn stage is adorable and cuddly, and when they start to crawl and walk and say words, it is new and exciting. I do have to say, though, that the one year old stage when they start to walk and get into everything, but aren't capable of listening at all, isn't my favourite. Then they hit two, and I really don't think there is anything terrible about it! They start talking and expressing their own thoughts, and you can really see their personality emerging. They have lots of questions, but a simple answer satisfies them. I'm definitely biased, but I can't get over how unbelievably precious my current two year old is. Her sister was a cute two year old too, but no offense to her ( don't freak out - of course I love her to pieces) I just don't remember being so over the moon in love with her two year old self. Felicity has the most adorable little voice and way of saying things that just makes it impossible to ever be mad at her for more than a few seconds. She is very silly and loves to tell jokes that are just hilarious to the two of them. Usually they are something along the lines of "You should eat my NOSE, Maria!" followed by peals of laughter. And if you could hear her laugh you would at least have to smile too. The one thing that I just can't get over is how loving and sweet she is, especially to her mommy. This is, (big surprise!) my favourite feature of all. At least half a dozen times a day we have the following conversation. "Mommy?" "Yes dear?" "I love you!" This is accompanied by a loving pat on the back, stroking of my cheek, or a hug and a kiss. If I am not feeling well, which these days is quite frequent, she says to me "It's ok Mommy, I am here for you. I will give you a hug then. Do you feel well now?" Today she came up to me and said, "Thanks, Mommy!" "For what dear?" I replied. "For loving me!" she said with a shy smile. Yes, my heart melted.
I do have reiterate again how much I also love and adore my Maria. She has some pretty kick ass qualities herself, but I shall save those for another post, another day.........
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Apple Gingerbread
I wish you could smell my kitchen right now. Two words: apple. gingerbread. AMAZING. Don't be fooled that this recipe is from a baby food cookbook - it may be a little healthy but its DE-lish.
Apple Gingerbread from Better Baby Food
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 eggs
1/2 cup light (fancy) molasses
1/3 cup milk
1 3/4 cups grated peeled apple (about 2 medium)
1. In a bowl, combine whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and spices.
2. In a large bowl, cream butter until light and fluffy. Stir in eggs and molasses. Stir in dry ingredients alternately with milk. Fold in apples. Spread into a greased loaf 13 by 9 inch baking pan.
3. Bake in 350 oven for 35 minutes (note: usually takes 45 or 50 for me). Cool on wire rack before cutting.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Weekend Recap
We had a grand weekend. On Saturday we started the day off right with confession and mass, then headed over to the market for lunch, bought some skates for Maria, spent an hour at 40 days for life, did some errands, and finally warmed up at home with some chili for supper. On Sunday we went to mass, had brunch with friends, and then headed over to the Life Chain.
It was freezing! |
Of course, all week it has been summer temperatures, but this weekend it turned cold and rainy.
Now it is Monday and Husband is back at school. Sigh.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Potty Training, 40 Days, and more!
Today is Day 3 of potty training for this little stinker! I wasn't sure that she was ready, but I just decided to go through with it anyway, and boy has she proved me wrong! Only one accident so far! So proud of her:) And kind of in shock that I may soon have no kids in diapers.........wow........good thing this baby is on its way!
In other news, 40 Days for Life has started! We have signed up for two hours a week, which seems ambitious with the kids! Especially when it gets cold. Wish I could do more, though..as there are a lot of empty spots left and my parents are doing an hour each every single day! My mother signed herself up for the 7 a.m. slot every morning, PLUS she fills in other hours when there is no one coming. Admirable to say the least.
We enjoyed a lovely visit in Halifax this past weekend.
SO proud of my husband who just received notice of THREE scholarships he is receiving this year! And one of them is an award for achieving highest standing in his year! I always knew he was smart, but when I was in university with him, he was a huge slacker and received slightly above average marks, mostly from studying off of my notes, haha! Boy has he changed! I never would have dreamed that I was marrying a top of the class kind of guy. No offense honey:)
I think that's all for today! I need to get back to my crocheting:)
In other news, 40 Days for Life has started! We have signed up for two hours a week, which seems ambitious with the kids! Especially when it gets cold. Wish I could do more, though..as there are a lot of empty spots left and my parents are doing an hour each every single day! My mother signed herself up for the 7 a.m. slot every morning, PLUS she fills in other hours when there is no one coming. Admirable to say the least.
We enjoyed a lovely visit in Halifax this past weekend.
The girls with their aunt, uncle, and great uncle |
I think that's all for today! I need to get back to my crocheting:)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Date with Maria
This morning I asked Maria if she wanted to come somewhere just with me. Her face lit up, "Yes!" she replied. So off we trotted, sans little sis and Papa, to the wonderful and entertaining grocery store. And did we ever have a blast! Usually grocery shopping is an exercise in packing my purse with snacks to keep whiny and fighting kids quiet..and when that doesn't work, and they are let out of the cart, chasing said kids around the store to keep them from injuring themselves or something or someone else....all the while trying to find the things on my list and get the best prices on things....lets just say sometimes one or more of us ends up in tears. But this morning was quite a different story. It never ceases to amaze me what angels my children are when they are by themselves, without each other to fight with and/ or to encourage to do crazy and extremely silly things. Maria was beyond delighted to something with just Mommy, and she was beyond delightful to have around. Sooo sweet and helpful with the groceries, and full of interesting conversation:) We shall definitely have to do this more often, if Papa will stay with Felicity again? Please?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Making Bagels
Yesterday we made bagels.
The girls helping me shape them |
We used this recipe: Peter Reinhart's bagels. I must say, they are surprisingly easy to make, and definitely worth it, especially if you are craving bagels...haha..
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunday Afternoon Hikes
Lately, as in the last two Sundays, we've taken to going on hikes. This is very unlike us - neither Shane nor I are the outdoorsy, adventurous type - but sometimes, we like to pretend that we are! And, we've discovered, it is soo much fun! We're trying to treasure these last afternoons when we a) have the time and energy to do things, before school gets too busy, and b) can venture outside without freezing to death!
The girls enjoying our picnic supper. Maria afterwards informed us that chicken and carrots was not a proper supper....haha well we had bread too but the girls weren't interested in it....so when we got home the poor hungry girls begged for a bedtime snack.
Felicity was sooo comfortable on my back that she fell asleep! |
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hello World
This is a first for me. Posting something written by me that can be read by anybody? A little scary. Not sure what kind of blog this will be..mostly mom stuff so I'm sure it will bore most of you...haha if anybody is reading this? I'm kind of hoping no one will so that I can just keep it as a place to write down all the funny and endearing things my girls say and do every day. So....til next time when I actually have something to say! Hopefully.....
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