Friday, February 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Snapshot Edition

After last week`s very wordy post, today I am keeping it short and sweet with some snapshots of our week.

Maria`s attempt at hanging streamers for my birthday. 


The girls looking fab as always.

Trying to snap of pic of us bundled up for our daily excursion into the great outdoors. We go across the street to get the mail. Takes fifteen minutes to get everyone ready, two seconds to get the mail, and then another fifteen minutes to get everyone undressed and all the coats, boots, mittens, and hats put away.

Haha that face. Believe it or not he is singing. Very passionately.


I let William loose in the snow for the first time. He loved it. Didn`t even mind putting his face in it.

William made it partway up the stairs today. Oh joy. At least Maria is a very good sister and made sure he didn`t fall!

This kid loves anything that is a ball. Sure sign he`s going to be an athlete, right?!

Have a lovely weekend! Be sure to visit Conversion Diary for some more Quick Takes!


  1. Looooove the passionate singing face! Adorable!

  2. Your family is sooooo CUTE! I love the picture of you all bundled up, and William looks adorable in his snowsuit! :)
