Friday, September 16, 2016

7 QT

1. We are back at school and extra curricular activities and life is super busy! Maria does swimming (4 times a week) and soccer, Felicity does swimming, ballet and soccer, and the the boys play rugby. So it doesn't sound like a ton, but it ends up that we have something everyday except on Thursday. It gets exhausting.

2. School is going okay so far. There have been only a few melt downs and tantrums thrown so its not too bad! My biggest obstacle is that the girls have such a negative attitude towards it that it makes it disheartening when I'm putting so much effort in. Fun teacher I am not.

3. If only everyone had the attitude of William when it comes to learning! He is always the first one sitting next to me with his reading book each day. He is sounding words out and it is so cute to watch him!

4. William's very favourite thing to do right now is play Memory. And I'm not kidding when I say he kicks my butt nearly every time. I sit there in awe. I have no idea how he remembers where they all are.

5. Today was my last day at the gym. Not because I am too pregnant, because it still is making me feel good to workout (although vvvvvvverrrry scaled down and I am always so exhausted after). But my gym membership expired and I don't think I will renew it since I don't see myself getting out of the house very easily with a newborn, and 4 other kids and no gym daycare. Boo.

6. My next door neighbour sister had her baby a few weeks ago and it was absolutely the cutest thing when I took the kids to see their new cousin. They were in love and I can't wait for them to meet this baby! Gus just wanted to hold him the whole time and was so excited about everything he did. "He moved his hand!" He is going to be such a cute big brother! Felicity was over the moon and was lamenting that we'd have to wait 6 weeks to bring our own baby home!

7. 37 weeks today! I'm resigned to another four weeks of waiting, but the end is in sight! I really just cannot wait to hold this baby!

Have a superb weekend and go see Kelly for more fun!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


   It's 8pm and the house is finally quiet, for the first time since 6am this morning. Shane is not home and I don't even care that much because the whirring sound of the fan is pretty much all I want to hear right now. Life is busy. Does everybody say that? Did I say that when I just had two toddlers running around? I think so. And it was busy, but life with school aged kids and toddlers is a different kind of busy. Especially when you are homeschooling. My mind gets so overwhelmed from answering questions and giving directions all day long. My 36 week pregnant body gets exhausted from feeding children, doing laundry, washing dishes, changing diapers, picking up toys, and shuttling kids to different activities. And when the school day is over, there is my sweet four year old wanting to hang out and chat and play memory. Its the sweetest and I wish I could enjoy it but I really just want to be left alone. To have a few moments of quiet to drink my LaCroix. Without sharing. I miss the days when all the kids had naps/quiet times and I had a break in the middle of the day to recoup. Its just not doable anymore, and it leaves me drained by the end of the day.
    The fun part is that I'm about to add a newborn to the mix and life is going to get MORE CRAZY. Most days I wonder if I'll be able to do it. Are we crazy to be having another kid when I can't even handle the ones that we have?!
   I know life will probably just get more complicated and exhausting the older the kids get, and in a few years I'll probably look back on this post and laugh at my naive self. Little do I know how easy I have it now, right?